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The nature of involvement of CSAID is closer to implementation or deploying (mostly) proven concepts in communities and industries (downstream) for scaling up the impacts rather than  policy advocacy, consultancy and feasibility studies (upstream), hence the resources it offers are mostly technical and management-related. 


As a multi-stakeholder collaboration platform, very often, the resources required to implement the projects and move the initiatives forward are always mobilized between the partners, collaborators and key stakeholders supporting them. 


Strategic Mobilization

CSAID offers its technical, network and project management resources to be mobilized strategically and effectively for successful development of initiatives and management of the projects. Technical assets include agriculture and food testing laboratories, R&D facilities, test-formulation and pilot production facilities. Two most prominent facilities leverageable in the projects and initiatives are Agri-food Testing Laboratory of MILS located in Yangon with basic R&D capabilities and Technical Centers for farmers and food producers located in agriculturally predominant regions across Myanmar. The laboratory is currently undergoing ISO17025 accreditation process and expected to get accredited by the end of 2023. Technical Center is operational in Aung Ban, Southern Shan State providing technical services critical to improve the decision makings of farmers and food producer in the region. 


These technical assets combined with extensive network with key stakeholders including market actors, regulatory and compliance bodies, civil society organizations and development partners; and project management framework with Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) component, CSAID is delivering the intended goals and objectives of the projects and initiatives resource-efficiently.



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Close Up of Corn Field

Center of Sustainable Agri-food Initiatives Development

165, Aung Zeya 1 Street, Off Thiri Mingalar Road, Insein Township, yangon, Republic of the Union of Myanmar.


Copyright © 2022 CSAID. All rights reserved.

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